The real estate event summary for the State of
Vermont is as follows:
Assessment Date
Appeal Deadline
Tax Bills Due
Apri 1st
May - June
June - Aug
Prior to Listers meeting on or before May 20th
Varies by local jurisdiction
Q: What is taxable in Vermont?
A: All real and personal property in Vermont is taxable unless specifically exempt.
Q: What is the basis for the real property assessment?
A: The valuation basis is the appraised value of property. Appraised value is the estimated fair
market value of the property. Estimated fair market value is the price that the property will bring in the market when offered for sale and purchased by another, taking into consideration all of the elements of the property.
Q: What is the date of value?
A: April 1st
Q: Is there an assessment ratio?
A: No
Q: Is there an equalization ratio?
A: The board of listers of each jurisdiction reports annually to the Division of Property Valuation
and Review the fair market value of
taxable real property in the town or city. The Division notifies the municipalities of the equalized education property value and the
coefficient of dispersion of that town
for the prior year, and the manner by which the equalized education property value and the
of dispersion were determined by the Director.
Q: What is the process for challenging an assessment?
A: An appeal may be made to the board of listers on or before the days grievance meeting which is
held on or before May 20th.
Appeals of the listers must be made to the Board of Civil Authority within
14 days of the lister's decision.